
Academic Agreements

Start or Finish, We're Your Path To Success

There are myriad ways to a successful career. 我们让你很容易利用我们在药学和健康科学方面的优势, 不管这是否是你开始的地方,还是你打算结束的地方. 

我们的合作协议允许你顺利进入我们备受尊敬的学士学位之一, 在我们的合作机构学习两到三年之后再攻读硕士或博士学位. 

或者用你在ACPHS的学位来帮助你进入竞争激烈的专业学校, including medical, physician assistant, 牙科, law 和 business programs.

Partner Institution to ACPHS | ACPHS to Partner Institution

Partner Institution to ACPHS

许多协议遵循2+2、3+2、3+3或3+4的学术时间表. 你将在第一所学校学习两到三年,然后在ACPHS学习剩下的几年. 

Adelphi University

Under the partnership, you can complete both your undergraduate degree at Adelphi 和 pharmacy doctorate 在ACPHS in seven years of full-time equivalent study - three years at Adelphi 和 four years 在ACPHS.

请访问 Adelphi University for more information.

SUNY Adirondack (2+2 & 2 + 4项目)

我们与纽约州立大学阿迪朗达克分校的协议将开启您的健康科学之旅. You will spend the first two years at SUNY Adirondack 和 then transfer to ACPHS to pursue a bachelor's degree in biomedical technology, clinical laboratory science, 微生物学, pharmaceutical sciences or 公共卫生, typically completed in an additional two years, 或者一个 doctor of pharmacy, typically completed in an additional four years. 

请访问 SUNY Adirondack for more information. 

Vermont State University (3+4 Program)

Spend three years at Vermont State University 和 earn your bachelor's degree in health science 和 transfer to ACPHS for the remaining four years to complete a doctor of pharmacy.

请访问 Vermont State University for more information.

Clarkson University Graduate School (MBA, MS)

Simultaneously complete your bachelor's, master's 和 doctor of pharmacy program 在ACPHS while pursuing either a Master of Business in Healthcare Administration 或者一个 Master of Clinical 领导 in Healthcare Management degree from Clarkson University Graduate School. The joint degree programs, 与独立完成课程相比,哪些可以减少获得两个学位的费用, are particularly well-suited for those interested in careers in the pharmaceutical 和 healthcare industries. 你可以在第二学年或第三学年结束时申请入学.

请访问 Clarkson University for more information.

圣学院. 玫瑰 (3+2 Program)

这份协议为你提供了在圣·霍普金斯大学攻读学士学位的机会. 玫瑰博士和ACPHS临床科学领域的硕士学位, cytotechnology 和 molecular cytology, clinical laboratory sciences, or molecular biosciences. You will spend three years at the 圣学院. 玫瑰 pursuing your bachelor's degree 和 the remaining two years are spent 在ACPHS completing the bachelor's 和 master's degree requirements.

请访问 the 圣学院. 玫瑰 for more information.

Columbia-Greene Community College (2+2 & 2 + 4项目)

如果你是哥伦比亚格林社区学院(CGCC)理科副学士, 我们的协议允许你有机会攻读学士学位 pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical technology, clinical laboratory sciences, 微生物学, 公共卫生 or doctor of pharmacy 在ACPHS.

你将在中国国际商会度过前两年和第三年, 你将转到ACPHS攻读学士学位, typically completed in an additional two years. You can also get your doctor of pharmacy in just six years through this agreement.

Curriculum Grids: 

请访问 Columbia-Greene Community College’s Math 和 Science 和  Pharmacy Transfer Track for more information.

Dutchess Community College

如果你就读于达奇斯社区学院(DCC)理科副学士课程, our agreements allow you to pursue a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical technology, clinical laboratory sciences, 微生物学, 公共卫生 或者一个 doctor of pharmacy.

你将在DCC度过前两年,然后转到ACPHS攻读学士学位, typically completed in an additional two years. See our affiliation agreements in biomedical technology, clinical laboratory sciences, 微生物学, pharmaceutical sciences, 公共卫生. You can also get your doctor of pharmacy in just six years through this agreement.

请访问 Dutchess Community College’s associate degree program in scienceclinical laboratory technician for more information. 

Fulton Montgomery Community College (2+2 & 2 + 4项目)

If you are enrolled in the associate degree program in science at Fulton Montgomery Community College (FMCC), 我们的合作协议允许你攻读学士学位 pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical technology, clinical laboratory sciences, 微生物学, 公共卫生 或者一个 doctor of Pharmacy.

你将在FMCC度过前两年和第三年, 你将转到ACPHS攻读学士学位, typically completed in an additional two years. See our affiliation agreements in biomedical technology, clinical laboratory sciences, 微生物学, pharmaceutical sciences, 和 公共卫生. You can also get your doctor of pharmacy in just six years through this agreement.

请访问 Fulton Montgomery Community College for more information. 

Hudson Valley Community College (2+2 Program)

If you are enrolled in the associate degree program in biotechnology at Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC), 这份合作协议允许你攻读学士学位 微生物学 or pharmaceutical sciences 从ACPHS. 您将在HVCC度过前两年,然后转移到ACPHS攻读学士学位, typically completed in an additional two years. 在ACPHS, you will have the chance to study on the main campus 和 at the College’s state-of-the-art 生物制药教育培训中心(CBET).

请访问 Hudson Valley Community College for more information. 

Keuka大学 (3+4 Program)

Our dual degree program gives you the opportunity to earn your bachelor's degree in 生物学 from Keuka大学 和 a doctor of pharmacy 从ACPHS in just seven years. 在库卡学院学习三年,然后转到ACPHS学习最后四年.

请访问 Keuka大学 for more information.

佩斯大学 (3+4 Program)

我们的双学位课程可以让你获得佩斯大学的生物学学士学位和生物学学士学位 doctor of Pharmacy 从ACPHS in just seven years. 在佩斯大学学习三年,然后转到ACPHS学习剩下的四年.

请访问 佩斯大学 for more information.

Roger Williams University (3+4 Program)

Our dual degree program with Roger Williams University gives you the opportunity to earn your bachelor's degree in 化学, 生物学 or 生物化学 from RWU 和 a doctor of Pharmacy 从ACPHS. 在RWU学习三年,然后转到ACPHS学习最后四年.

请访问 Roger Williams University’s 化学, 生物学生物化学 programs for more information. 

Russell Sage College (3+2 Program)

Our agreement with Russell Sage College provides you the opportunity to pursue a bachelor’s degree from RSC 和 a master’s degree 从ACPHS in an area of clinical science, cytotechnology 和 molecular cytology, clinical laboratory sciences, or molecular biosciences in just five years. You will spend three years at RSC pursuing 和 the remaining two years will be spent 在ACPHS completing the bachelor's 和 master's degree requirements. 

请访问 Russell Sage College for more information.

Saint Michael's College (3+4 Program)

The dual degree program with Saint Michael’s College (SMC) allows you to complete a bachelor's degree in 生物学 (or related field) from SMC 和 pursue a doctor of pharmacy 在ACPHS. 在SMC学习三年,剩下的四年在ACPHS学习.

请访问 Saint Michael’s College for more information. 

SUNY Schenectady County Community College (2+2 Program)

如果你参加了斯克内克塔迪县社区学院的科学副学士课程, 与SCCC的合作协议为您提供了攻读学士学位的机会 pharmaceutical sciences 从ACPHS. You will spend the first two years at SCCC, for your third year, 你将转到ACPHS攻读学士学位, typically completed in an additional two years.

请访问 SUNY Schenectady County Community College for more information.

SUNY Plattsburgh (3+4 Program)

在纽约州立大学普拉茨堡分校获得生物学学士学位 doctor of pharmacy degree 从ACPHS in just seven years. You will enroll at SUNY Plattsburgh for the first three years 和 spend the remaining four years pursuing a doctor of pharmacy degree 在ACPHS. 你的学士学位将在你在ACPHS成功完成第一年的学习后颁发.

请访问 SUNY Plattsburgh for more information. 

University at Albany (3+2 Program, BS/MS)

Our agreement with the University at Albany provides you the opportunity to complete a bachelor's degree in human 生物学 (or related field) from UAlbany 和 a master’s degree in cytotechnology 和 molecular cytology or clinical laboratory sciences 从ACPHS in just five years. This 3+2 agreement allows you to spend the first three years at UAlbany pursuing a bachelor's degree 和 the remaining two years 在ACPHS to complete all bachelor's 和 master's degree requirements.

请访问 the University at Albany for more information.

University at Albany (3+4 Program, BS/PharmD)

Our second agreement with UAlbany gives you the option to pursue a bachelor's degree in 化学 from UAlbany 和 a doctor of pharmacy degree 从ACPHS in just seven years. This 3+4 agreement allows you to spend the first three years at UAlbany pursuing the bachelor's degree 和 the remaining four years 在ACPHS to complete all bachelor's degree 和 doctor of pharmacy requirements.

请访问 the University at Albany for more information.

Utica University (3+4 Program)

该协议使您有机会获得尤蒂卡大学的学士学位和美国大学的学士学位 doctor of pharmacy 从ACPHS in just seven years. This agreement allows you to spend your first three years there pursuing your bachelor's degree 和 the remaining four years 在ACPHS to complete a bachelor's degree 和 doctor of pharmacy requirements.

请访问 Utica University for more information.


ACPHS to Partner Institution

许多协议遵循3+2、3+3、3+4或4+4的学术时间表. You will spend three or four years 在ACPHS followed by the remaining years (depending on the agreement) at the second institution.

Albany Law School (3+3 Program, BS/JD)

赢得你的 bachelor’s degree 和你在奥尔巴尼法学院获得的法学博士学位. 前三年在ACPHS学习,其余三年在奥尔巴尼法学院学习. 这个联合项目是为对科学或健康相关法律感兴趣的学生设计的. 你可以在高中最后一年申请入学.

请访问 Albany Law School for more information. 

Albany Medical College (Early Assurance, BS/MD)

如果你将来想上医学院,我们与奥尔巴尼医学院的协议可能适合你. 我们的协议为您提供了在ACPHS的第二年结束时申请AMC的机会. 如果被录取,你将在完成一门课程后进入AMC bachelor’s degree 从ACPHS.

请访问 Albany Medical College for more information.

Albany Medical College (3.5 + 2.5 Program, BS/P)

Our affiliation with AMC's physician assistant (PA) program provides you the opportunity to be accepted into AMC’s PA program before your first year 在ACPHS. 我们提供四种学士学位,让你为这个PA项目做好准备: biomedical technology, 微生物学, pharmaceutical sciences, 公共卫生. 在ACPHS完成学士学位后,您将在AMC开始PA课程.

请访问 Albany Medical College for more information.

伊利湖骨科医学院(4+4 Program, BS/DO)

If medical school is in your future, 我们与伊利湖骨科医学院(Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, LECOM)的协议可能适合你. You can apply for entry to the eight-year program during the senior year of high school or during the first or second year 在ACPHS. Our medical school agreement provides you with the opportunity to apply for early acceptance to LECOM's doctor of osteopathic medicine program, 如果被接受, 在完成你的学业后,你将被保证进入LECOM bachelor’s degree 从ACPHS.

请访问 Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine for more information. 

伊利湖骨科医学院(4+4 Program, BS/DMD)

如果你将来要上牙科学校,我们与LECOM的协议可能会适合你. Our agreement provides you the opportunity to be accepted into the doctor of 牙科 medicine program during your senior year of high school or during the first or second year 在ACPHS. After completing your bachelor's degree 在ACPHS,你将进入LECOM牙科学校的第一年.

请访问 Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine for more information. 


Reach your full potential in this dual degree program with New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) College of Osteopathic Medicine to earn your bachelor's 和 doctor of osteopathic medicine degrees in just seven or eight years. You will spend the first three or four years 在ACPHS 和, upon meeting all academic criteria, transfer to NYIT for the remaining four years. This program is specifically designed for 医学预科 students who want to pursue a career in osteopathy. 你将在高中最后一年申请进入这个7年的项目. 您将在ACPHS的大三申请进入8年课程.

请访问 New York Institute of Technology for more information.

SUNY Upstate Medical University (4+4 Program, BS/MD)

If medical school is in your future, our agreement with SUNY Upstate Medical University’s 4+4 program could be for you. You will earn your bachelor's 和 doctor of allopathic medicine degrees in eight years with entrance into both ACPHS 和 Upstate Medical University College of Medicine (Upstate) determined when you are a high school senior.

请访问 SUNY Upstate Medical University or ACPHS Upstate Accelerated Scholars fact sheet for more information.

University at Albany (4+1 Program, BS/MS)

Pursue your bachelor's degree in 公共卫生 or 微生物学 在短短五年内拿到公共卫生硕士学位. Our 4+1 agreement allows you to spend the first four years obtaining your bachelor's degree 在ACPHS 和 the fifth year earning your master's degree in 公共卫生 at UAlbany.

请访问 the University of Albany for more information.



Elizabeth Brookins
Elizabeth Brookins

Director of Pre-Professional Pathways
Phone: 518-694-7182
电子邮件: 贝琪.Brookins@ycdwkj666.com


Associate Director of 招生
Phone: 518-694-7285
电子邮件: 莎拉.Ohnsman@ycdwkj666.com