

图片来源:Kris Qua


The 144th 毕业典礼 of Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学 occurred on Saturday, 2024年5月11日, 在1点.m. at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC) in Saratoga Springs, New York.




  • 238 毕业生总数: 290 授予学位
  • 128 博士学位, 114 学士, 32 硕士和 16 授予双学士/硕士学位 

*More than 40% of students receiving doctorates are also receiving a bachelor’s degree

  • 学生来自 12 国家, 21 状态, 一个 U.S. 领土(波多黎各)
  • 22-54 -学生年龄
  • 10% (26 students) will stay at ACPHS for a further degree



马克Shaefer, PharmD, FCCP served as the 2024 毕业典礼 speaker. Shaefer is a veteran in the field of HIV and antiviral pharmaceuticals. He was 一个 of the earliest members and helped guide the formation of 欢悦医疗. His intensive pharmaceutical experience is complemented by expertise in clinical pharmacy, 教学, 和研究.

“我们非常高兴地欢迎. Shaefer as our 2024 毕业典礼 speaker,” said Toyin Tofade, Professor and President, ACPHS. “His breadth of education and professional experiences in pharmacy and notably HIV research and pharmaceuticals will truly inspire our graduates – the future leaders of the health care field.” 

Shaefer’s pharmaceutical career in HIV and anti-virals began at Burroughs Wellcome where he worked on acyclovir and valaciclovir, and then moved to Glaxo Wellcome to oversee HIV clinical trials. 他晋升到葛兰素史克, where his expertise over the next nine years led him to more senior roles including group director and acting vice president. 在葛兰素史克, Shaefer facilitated merger integration activities and later, 作为代理副总统, 他领导了美国艾滋病项目, 共同主持了美国商业战略小组, and represented HIV interests on the North American Medical Executive team.

In 2009, Shaefer left GSK to join 欢悦医疗 during its founding. There he led development efforts for a long-acting injectable integrase compound for HIV, 为公司上市做准备, and became 一个 of ViiV’s three medical affairs heads. 在最初的职位上工作了五年之后, he progressed to a position as global medical lead for Cabotegravir, a long-acting injectable drug for treatment and prevention of HIV. He retired briefly at the beginning of the COVID pandemic but returned to work for Hengrui, a large Chinese Pharmaceutical company and helped to launch Luzsana Biotechnology in the US. There he was head of antivirals and worked on the non-oncology portion of the portfolio. He left Luzsana in August 2022 to pursue independent consulting.

Shafer has also held academic appointments as assistant and associate professor at the University of Nebraska, is widely published with more than 75 peer-reviewed publications and is valued as a reviewer for multiple industry journals.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in 生物学 from the University of California at San Diego and earned a PharmD from the University of California at San Francisco. Shaefer completed a clinical pharmacy residency at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.


Charles “Chuck” Middleton graduated from Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学 with a doctorate in pharmacy and a Bachelor of Science in 医药科学 on the Pharmacy Skills Track. He held multiple leadership positions while at ACPHS including a three-year tenure as captain of the men's soccer team, president of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHSP) campus chapter, and vice-president of the ACPHS Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. 毕业后, Chuck will pursue a PGY-1 pharmacy residency at the Syracuse VA Medical Center in Syracuse, NY.



Del Vecchio is President and Chief Executive Officer of MVP Health Care. 作为一名医疗保健主管, he is a catalyst for innovation and systemic change and works tirelessly to make patients' lives easier and better.

在加入MVP之前, he served in chief executive officer roles for health care organizations for nearly 30 years. 他是一位极富远见的战略家, Del Vecchio also had a successful career as an entrepreneur and consultant in health care and technology.

在他的指导下, MVP has gained recognition for leading impactful regional community coalitions and a commitment to collaborative problem-solving. From securing naming rights to the MVP Arena to constructing Fitness Courts throughout New York State, he exemplifies MVP’s unwavering dedication to customer-centric care.

Del Vecchio holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from ACPHS and an MBA in health systems from Union College.

利一. Briscoe-Dwyer
利一. Briscoe-Dwyer ' 87,药学博士,BSPharm, BCPS

前ACPHS董事会受托人. Dwyer is the system director of pharmacy for the UHS Hospitals System in Johnson City, NY. 

She is currently president-elect of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the largest association of pharmacy professionals in the United States. She will then serve for 一个 year as president and 一个 year as immediate past president.

Dr. Dwyer began her career as a clinical specialist in HIV and infectious disease at SUNY Stony Brook and has worked in various areas of pharmacy practice, 包括制药行业, with most of the last 20 years in pharmacy leadership roles.  

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from Albany College of Pharmacy and 健康科学 and her 药学博士 degree from St. 约翰的大学. 

更多全球十大赌博靠谱的平台博士的信息. 布里斯科-德怀尔,读她的 ASHP详细介绍.


真正Duteau is a consultant in the financial pharmaceutical industries.

Most recently, Duteau served in senior leadership roles with Teva Pharmaceuticals and Novopharm Ltd. 在加拿大多伦多.

He began his pharmaceutical career with Ayerst Labs in Rouses Point, New York. It was there that Duteau teamed up with ACPHS alumni, 大卫·福克斯58年, to support the development of a manufacturing process for Advil. He also worked part-time for many retail pharmacies in NY and VT and ultimately purchased a pharmacy in Port Henry New York, 他维持了很多年吗.

During his career in the pharmaceutical industry, he became acutely aware that the research and manufacturing areas lacked the necessary pharmacists to perform the required work. This led to discussions with the deans and presidents of ACPHS to institute a pharmaceutical sciences curriculum to provide pharmacists for the pharmaceutical industry. This collaboration eventually became the foundation for both a BS and MS in 医药科学 at the College.




制药专业的学生 摩根嘉宝, a self-taught baker, made the cake for President Tofade's Inauguration. Her side hustle was a semi-secret on campus until the event and Panthers got a taste of her work.


ACPHS students can complete a clinical rotation in Tokyo through an agreement with Showa University. After a four-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the rotation has been reinstated. 海东·Tsutsui和Atalya Morgan were the first two ACPHS pharmacy students to return to Japan in May 2023. Tsutsui intends to work as a pharmacist in Japan in the future. The students compared differences in the countries' health systems and expressed concern over the higher out-of-pocket costs in the American health system. The opportunity allows for professional growth in a different cultural setting.

药店+ Z世代=播客

在8月份发布的PharmZ播客中, 奥斯汀·勒沃克和迪伦·纳普 banter about life as Gen-Zers going through pharmacy school and contemplating their futures.


在500多个旋转中 PharmD学生 may choose is 一个 at a local cannabis dispensary. ACPHS was likely the first in New York to offer such a rotation, which allows budding pharmacists to practice at the top of their license.


Act I: The Stage Goes Dark It happened during the last run of a long day’s rehearsal. Gianna佛朗哥 was in 11th grade at Talent Unlimited High School in Manhattan and part of the teen ensemble of the Paul Taylor Dance Company. A natural talent pursuing her calling, she never thought twice about her next step.


当他获得宾州接力赛的参赛资格时, 瑞安哈克 24队从没想过能打进决赛. But his best race ever left him with a decision: compete at an elite national level for himself, 或者和他的球队一起赢得USCAA的胜利?


Shloka Suresh Sahetya

Shloka Suresh Sahetya 来自一个药剂师家庭. She chose ACPHS for her own pharmacy education to experience life outside her native India, 在紧密团结的校园的支持下. She has made strong friendships and supported DEI efforts.


P4的学生 埃利斯施麦尔 discovered his career path in part through involvement in campus activities. He shares his thoughts on the value of going all in, once you find the groups that are best for you. "Your choices make you who you are," he says.

Britney: Becoming A '公共卫生 Pharmacist'

布兰妮Mbeng ’21 holds a bachelor of science in pharmaceutical sciences, 辅修公共卫生, 她正在攻读药学博士学位. 她在巴西长大, then enrolled in the pharmacy program at ACPHS but was unsure if it was right for her. 过去一年里, she has discovered she can merge the field with her passion for serving the community and for communicating to help others.


萨曼莎马里昂 is a senior in the 医药科学 program, 住宿助理, thrower on the track team and vice president of the Phi Delta Chi pharmacy fraternity. She shares what she has learned through participation in Greek Life.

Desirea Harder-Neely

Desirea Harder-Neely came to ACPHS with two bachelor's degrees under her belt, looking to boost her application to medical school. She found a supportive community and a place to call home for perhaps a few more years.


Though he originally visited ACPHS to prepare for med school, Jonathan will receive his bachelor's degree in public health in May and will continue with a master's in that field. 学习如何 his experience here cemented his commitment to public health.


硕士学生 兰德勒·汤普森 '24 has spent four years contributing to work that seeks a new pathway to cure HIV. He has taken the potential impact of the work seriously, 问自己, “如果我只贡献一小步呢??"


查尔斯(查克)米德尔顿 is a pharmacy doctoral candidate in the Class of 2024. 在ACPHS工作的六年里, he has been captain of the men's soccer team for three years, president of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists’ campus chapter and vice president of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. After graduation, he will be a pharmacy resident at the VA Medical Center in Syracuse, New York.

